Meeting regularly our events combine the look and feel of Pirates of the Caribbean, Last of the Mohicans and Sleepy Hollow with more traditional fantasy genres such as Conan, Arabian Knights and Grimm's Faerie Tales to produce a unique mix for our players to immerse themselves in.

Established in 2001, the team at Ascendancy LRP are an experienced group of prop makers, live role play organisers and performers who aspire to create events full of drama, action and atmosphere. We hope you come along for the ride so that together the combined efforts of both organisers and players will inspire each other to create many memorable events.

Next event - "Rumours, Bargains and Lies"  
set in Archipelago Whitewater from Friday 2nd to Monday 5th November 2025
at Wilderness Centre, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire

All text and images on these pages are copyrighted. Contributed material remains copyright © the author.
All other material is copyright © Shards LRP, Ascendancy LRP & Chimera Leisure

Website last updated 10/11/2024